Friday, August 31, 2012

Practice time!

Hi all,

Hope you are enjoying the start of the one week September holiday.

Remember to complete your homework:

English - Revisionary worksheet

Maths - Continual Assessment 2 paper from Maths Test book

Science - Crossword puzzle worksheet

Enjoy the holidays!

Lower Pri Sports Day

Hi everyone,

Who knew we had so much sporting talent amongst ourselves? 3A has done very well in the Lower Primary Sports Day today! 3 out of the 4 groups who took part won the GOLD medal! We are very proud of them. For the group that did not manage to win, it's alright. Please do not be sad about it. You may not have won the competition, but by giving your best, you are already winner.
Here are the pictures of the Lower Primary Sports Day:

We also celebrated Teacher's Day. Thank you everyone for your wonderful cards and presents. I love being "showered with love" by all of you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let's go sporty!

Hi all,

Remember the video that was taken by Okto and Great Eastern about a workout that we did together?

Here is the link for it. Get everyone you can possibly think of to vote for it!

The voting is done by choosing "Which video is your favourite?" in the poll on the right-hand side.

Homework on 15 Aug

Dear everyone,

Remember to complete your homework for this long weekend.
- Maths Workbook 3B Part 1. Pages 95-111. Complete all corrections. Ask your parents to sign on page 77 for the unit on Fractions.
- English Revision Paper for Units 5 and 6.
- Integrity composition (for those who have not handed it in yet)

Coming up next week, we will be having
- Listening Comprehension 6 test on Tuesday, 21 Aug. (Remember to bring your Listening Comprehension Book back on Tuesday, for those who brought it home.)
- Maths Test 6 (Fractions and Graphs) on Thursday, 23 Aug
- GEP screening test for English and Maths

To all the Muslim students, I would like to wish you "Selamat Hari Raya"!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

EL Topical Test 9

Hi all,

Today we brainstormed for our compositions using story arcs. I also gave you a news article to help you pick out some interesting words which you can use in your compositions. Understanding that you need time to revise for your topical test tomorrow, I have given you a longer deadline to hand in the composition. You are to hand in the composition on Tues, 21 Aug.

Don't forget to revise for the English Topical Test 9, which will be tomorrow, 15 Aug based on The Perfect Birthday Present. I have returned the learning sheets to you since yesterday for you to revise.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Homework for 3 Aug

Hi all,

Remember to complete your homework in the Maths Workbook, pages 85-88.

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Comparatives and superlatives

Hi everyone,

Recently, we learnt about comparatives and superlatives in class. Here is a website to help you further in forming adjectives with comparatives and superlatives.

Also, remember to revise for Maths Test 5 which will be conducted on Friday, 3 Aug. The test is on Money and Length, Mass and Volume.