Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Question for Science class today

Hi 3A,

Here is the question for Science class today.

"When is something considered a living thing?"

Try to post at least one comment on the blog and we will discuss further in class. You can also ask more questions related to the topic and answer others' questions too.

Thank you!


  1. Something is considered a living thing when it can grow, reproduce and response to changes.

  2. Something is considered a living thing when it needs air,food and water, when it grows, when it responds to changes around them, when it can die,when it can reproduce, and when it can move by itself.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Something can be considered a living thing when it can move by itself , can die, can grow ,can reproduce and can respond to changes.

  5. living things are things that have a life, can grow, can reproduce and it can also die

  6. Something is considered a living thing when
    1. It can grow
    2. It can move by itself
    3. It can reproduce
    4. It needs air, water and food
    5. It has a life and it can die

  7. Something is a living thing if it can move by itself, respond to changes around it, needs air, food and water to stay alive, will die one day, can grow and reproduce.

    1. The Characteristics of a living thing are:
      - It needs air,water and food to survive
      - It responds to changes
      - It reproduce
      - It dies
      - It grows

  8. Something is considered a living thing when it responds to changes, reproduces, grows & dies. And it needs air, water & food.

    Vanessa Ong

  9. Something is considered a living thing when it needs air, food and water to survive, can grow, move by itself, reproduce, die and respond to changes around it.

  10. A living thing is considered when it can.....

    1. it needs air ,food and water
    2. it can grow and move
    3. it can respond to changes
    4. it can reproduce
    5. it can die

  11. What type of air do living things breathe in?

    1. plants: carbon dioxide
      animals: oxygen

    2. plants:carbon dioxide
      animals and mammals:oxygen
      sea creatures:dissolved air

  12. It is considered a living thing when it is composed of one or more cells and a number of organs working together.

  13. There are many good answers and comments to the science question. Is there the “best answer” that is simple yet has everything?

    What about this: Something is a living thing when something has LIFE.

    Clarissa Ong

  14. Let's try to put up more questions related to the topic. You can type in the question that you came up with in class. I like Adele's question. Perhaps some of you can answer her question or put up more of your own.

  15. Why does living things eventually will die ???

    1. Usually things will die of
      -old age
      -being eaten up by predators

  16. A "Living Thing" is considered when it is alive for a second to maybe a few hundred years,like a plant,or insect,or even a tortise that can live over a hundred years.Human being is also an example.

  17. Valerie Wong

    Living things breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.Unlike plants,they breathe in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen for us.But at night,plants breathe in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
    To:Adele Ng

    1. Hi Valerie,

      Nice try at answering someone else' question! I hope you can put up a question for others to answer.

      Please click reply on the person's message when answering his/her question.

    2. I found this in a science guidebook :

      Plants take in oxygen throughout the day but it is only during the presence of light that plants take in more amounts of carbon dioxide to make food.
      So, I think that all living things takes in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.

    3. To: Valerie, Melden

      Yeah. Plants take in oxygen to live. They take in carbon dioxide to make food during the day.

      To everyone:

      To live, animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. To live plants breathe in oxygen. Do plants breathe out any gases? Do plants just breathe in oxygen without breathing out any gases? Where does the oxygen go to?

      Clarissa Ong

  18. Living things need air, water,food,can reproduce, move by its own self and it will die

    My question is
    How long can a fly live

  19. This is from Google ...

    The life span of flies varies according to temperature and strain on feeding. For standard strains at 29 C life span is 25 days mean and 32-34 max., while at 25 it is 60 days mean and 80-92 max.

  20. When something is considered a living thing, it needs air and water to live. Plants can live very long but animals can't live for so long.


  21. If a living thing dies, is it considered a living thing or a non-living thing?

  22. Replies
    1. No one reads this blog anyway, so grass dies when unicorns cast a spell on them, causing them to turn into gold and be absorbed by the soil.
      And that's why gold is found underground.
