Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Homework for 18 July

Dear everyone,

Remember to complete Maths workbook 3B Part 1 until page 46. For those of you whose parents have still not signed the chapter on Money, please ask your parents for their signature.

As for the Science practical, don't worry if your pair was unable to finish all the stations today. We will re-schedule a short session on Friday for you to finish up. Hope you had fun!

Racial Harmony Day

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, we celebrated Racial Harmony Day in our school. Here's a class photo of us decked out in our own clothes and the picture below is of the lovely girls who took the effort to dress in ethnic costumes. Well done girls!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Hi all,

For the text, Report Card Days, we have discussed about the suffixes '-ness' and '-less'.

Did you know there are many more suffixes out there? Click on this link to learn about other suffixes. You can click on each suffix to see more examples of it.


Homework on 16 July

Hi all,

Remember to complete your homework on pages 39-42 of your Maths workbook. Ask your parents to sign on page 7 for the chapter on Money.

Come dressed in your ethnic clothes to celebrate Racial Harmony Day tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Welcome to Lit Wen!

Hi everyone,

Class 3A would like to extend a very warm welcome to Wong Lit Wen, a student from the Hong Kong Singapore International School who is here on a 2 weeks attachment. Below are some pictures of Lit Wen doing group work in class yesterday. He seems to be adjusting well and we certainly hope that he will find his stay here a memorable and enjoyable one.

Hope all of you also enjoyed the debut performance by the Guitar Ensemble in school today. Below is a picture of the Guitar Ensemble.

Just a reminder: Please wear the normal school uniform tomorrow as we will be having photo-taking in school. DO NOT come dressed in PE attire. If you need your PE attire for your CCA after school, pack it into your bag and change into it later.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Homework for 6 July

Hi everyone,

Remember to take some time to complete your homework:

- Composition on "Competition".
- Maths workbook ( For those who have not done so, complete the chapter on Money)
- Maths worksheets (for those who have not handed in yet)

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Homework on 4 July

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder. Remember to finish your homework in the Maths workbook 3B Part 2 - Practices 7 and 8 under the topic of Money.

Hand in your books tomorrow.