Sunday, April 29, 2012

Homework on 30 April

Hi all,

All geared up for exams which are just around the corner? Remember, there are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation and hard work learning from failure. So persevere and do not give up!

- Complete Maths Semestral Assessment 1 from Maths Test book

- Maths Practice Paper

Materials returned for revision:
- Maths Workbook 3A Part 1
- Maths Workbook 3A Part 2
- Maths Workbook 3B Part 1

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Materials returned for revision

Hi all,

I have returned the following materials to the students for revision for SA1:

- Spelling Exercise Books
- Listening Comprehension Book
- English file
- Composition file

Homework for 27/4/2012

Hi everyone,

Remember to complete the following homework:

- Science Practice Paper 2 (Booklet A and B)
- Maths Heuristics pages 14-20
- 活动本pages 95-98 and 100-103
- 习字

Thank you and please have a good weekend!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Homework for 26/4/12

Dear all,

Homework for the day:
  • English Revisionary Paper 1
  • Science Practice Paper 1 (Booklet A)
  • MLEA in Jotter Book (only for those who have not handed up)

Monday, April 23, 2012

English Quiz 6

Dear all,

We will be having English Quiz 6 tomorrow on the Gruffalo. All of you have recieved your Gruffalo learning sheets to revise at home. Remember to revise for the quiz.

MLEA individual writing

Dear all,

Use the pointers in the PowerPoint slides below to help you in writing your individual MLEA in your Jotter Books on "A meeting with the (name of the unusual creature) .

You can choose to write it as:
  • I have met the unusual creature
  • I am going to meet the unusual creature

Homework for 24 April 2012

Hi all,

Remember to complete the following homework:
  1.  Pages 67-70 of the Maths Workbook 3A Part 2.
  2. Composition 4 (A painful lesson) corrections to be handed in tomorrow, 25 April
  3. MLEA corrections and MLEA writing 2 to be handed in on Thursday, 26 April
  • Those who have not brought their red file for composition, please bring it tomorrow.
  • Those who have not handed in Composition 1 (An accident), Composition 2 (A burglary) and Composition 3 (A fire), please bring them tomorrow.
See you tomorrow all geared up for class.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Homework for 20 April 2012

Hi everyone,

Remember to do your homework in the Maths workbook 3A part 2 until page 66.

Hope to hear from all of you on Knowledge Forum soon.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Preparing for Oral

Dear 3A,

Here are some tips to help you score well in Oral! Our oral exam will be on 30 April 2012.

The upcoming Oral Assessment consists of:

- Reading (5 marks)
- Picture Discussion (10 marks)

You will be given 5 minutes to plan what you will say before you start recording so take the time to plan well based on the pointers below.

(A) Reading

The first time you look at the passage, take your time to silently read through and understand the passage.

  1. Take note of punctuation - a comma means you should pause for a short while, while a full stop means there should be a longer pause.
  2. Take note of dialogues and the mood.
           For example,
     He asked patiently "Why didn't you do this?"
      He screamed  "Why didn't you do this!"
Although the dialogues are the same, the tone is not. So, understand the tone and expression and read it accordingly.


1. Voice Level (Loud enough for someone to hear you)
You may have practiced really well but if the examiner is not able to hear you, it's difficult to reward you for  your effort. So, be audible - be heard!

2. Read calmly and fluently.
    No one gets extra points for being the fastest to read!
Sometimes, when we read too fast, we start to skip words or add words that are not in the passage.
So, read patiently and pause at the appropriate moments.

3. Pronunciation
- Read each word CLEARLY. Do not "swallow" or mumble your way through.

- If you come across a word that is too long or difficult to read, Don't worry!
   BREAK IT DOWN into syllables and READ IT!
E.g.         "Integrity" - "In/ter/grity"
               "Innovation" - "In/no/va/tion"

4. Be expressive
If I were to speak to you in the same tone (no expression, no emphasis on certain words, no "highs" and "lows" in my voice)  for even 15 minutes , most of you would doze off!

So, use your voice to show emotions and expressions APPROPRIATELY.
CAUTION : Do not go to the other extreme and start maintaining a HIGH voice for every word - it becomes too dramatic

(B) Picture Discussion
(A picture will be given to you and you have to describe the picture and share your thoughts on it)
This is the first year that this is included in your oral. But fret not, I'm sure all of you will do a great job! Our school has come up with a good strategy to help you with your discussion and this strategy is known as the SPARES strategy!
  • Setting - Where is this place? Elaborate
  • People - Talk about the people in the picture and describe them.
  • Action - Explain what the people are doing.
  • Reason - Give a reason for their action.
  • Emotion - Describe the emotion or feelings of the peopl. Explain why they are feeling this way.
  • Suggest - Give your opinion on whether a situation in the picture is right or wrong.  Share what else can be done and how the situation can be improved.
  • Be organised when you are discussing your picture. State clearly which part of the picture you are talking about.
    E.g In the centre of the picture,
          At the bottom right(-hand) corner...
          At the bottom left(-hand) corner...
          At the top left (-hand) corner...
          At the top right(- hand) corner ... 

    Go ahead to the Oral Buddy on our MConline portal and choose any practice and try it out. Ask your parents/siblings to give you feedback.

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    No remedial on 23 April 2012

    Dear all,

    There is no remedial on Monday, 23 April 2012. I have given the students a note to inform their parents about this. Take the time to revise your work at home.

    Maths Test 3, Knowledge Forum, Oral Buddy

    Dear all,

    Do the homework in Maths Workbook 3A Part 2 for pages 55-58.

    We will be having Maths Test 3 on Monday, 23 April 2012. I will return the Maths workbooks tomorrow for you to revise.

    I have posted up two topics on Knowledge Forum for all of you to log in and post. The topics are about cold-blooded animals and about materials. You will be able to find the link to them on the main 3A_2012 page. Please post up your research and build on each others' posts. You can also ask more questions based on the topic.

    Also, please log in to the Learning Management System at to practise the Oral Buddy. We will be having oral exam using the Oral Buddy on Monday, 30 April 2012. Remember, it is only the Reading and Picture discussion components that will be tested.

    Wednesday, April 11, 2012

    SA1 English Components

    Hi everyone,

    The following are the components that will be tested for English SA1:

    Listening Comprehension
    15 marks
    -          Picture matching
    -          Note-taking
    -          Dictation
    4 marks
    6 marks
    5 marks
    15 marks
    -          Reading
    -          Picture discussion
    5 marks
    10 marks
    Paper 1
    20 marks
    -          Composition
    20 marks
    Paper 2
    50 marks
    -          Section A:Vocabulary MCQ
    7 marks
    -          Section B: Grammar MCQ
    7 marks
    -          Section C: Grammar Cloze
    8 marks
    -          Section D: Vocabulary Cloze
    8 marks
    -          Section E: Comprehension MCQ
    10 marks
    -          Section F: Open Ended Comprehension
    10 marks

    Homework on 11/4/12

    Hi all,

    Remember to complete Maths Workbook 3A Part 2 until page 42.

    Get the English Topical Test 4 signed by parents.

    Sunday, April 8, 2012

    Homework for 9/4/2012

    Hi everyone,

    Please remember to complete until page 35 in the Maths Workbook 3A Part 2, if you have not already done so. Remember to bring the workbook tomorrow.

    Don't forget to dress up beautifully in your home clothes for Rainbow Day 2 tomorrow!

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Homework for this weekend

    Hi everyone,

    Please complete pages 27-30 from the Maths Workbook 3A Part 2.

    Have a Good Friday everyone!

    Monday, April 2, 2012

    English Quiz 4

    Hi all,

    We will be having English Quiz 4 on "The wolf's story" this Thursday. The students have been given the Learning Sheets to bring home and revise for the test.

    Remember to complete your poster on compassion as well.