Monday, December 31, 2012

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Dear all,

As we bid each other farewell at the end of the school year 2012, we will bring with us many memories of the good (and bad) times that we have had with each other. Hopefully, the good memories will last longer. It has been an enriching experience teaching all of you.

For those who have yet to return the report book, please drop it off at the General Office anytime during working hours during these holidays.

Have fun and enjoy the holidays!

Yours sincerely,
Mrs Khan

Saturday, October 13, 2012

PSLE marking week

Hi everyone,

Please take this PSLE marking week as time for you to do your own revision for the SA2 exams. Remember to complete your homework which is 1 practice paper for English, Maths and Science each. Also, you have been assigned online homework at MC Online so please log in and complete your homework for the 3 subjects online as well.

Have a good break and all the best to those sitting for the GEP selection test. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Model compositions

Dear everyone,

As you are busy preparing for your composition exam tomorrow, here are some exemplary compositions written by your classmates which you can use for your revision.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Happy Children's Day

Hi children,

Happy Children's Day to you! Today is your day. Take time to enjoy yourself. I hope you liked the goodie bags I prepared for you and the gifts from the school.

For those who qualified to the next round of GEP selection test, congratulations. Don't worry about having to go so far to Chua Chu Kang for the test. The school will charter a bus to bring you there and back.

Remember to complete your homework in the Maths Heuristics book and Social Studies workbook.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

List of topics to be tested for SA2

Dear all,

As the SA2 exams are approaching nearer, some of you may be wondering what topics will be tested in the exams for English, Maths and Science. Therefore, I am sharing the list with you below.

List of topics to be tested for SA2
Unit 1: A kitten for a king
Unit 1: Numbers to 10 000
Unit 1: Classifying things
Unit 2: Fearless Phil
Unit 2: Addition of numbers within 10 000
Unit 2: Living things and non-living things
Unit 3: The sunflower that went flop
Unit 3: Subtraction of numbers within 10 000
Unit 3: Plants
Unit 4:The wolf’s story
Unit 4: Solving word problems 1: Addition and subtraction
Unit 4: Fungi
Unit 5: Mystery of the missing big wig
Unit 5: Multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8 and 9
Unit 5: Animals
Unit 6: The gruffalo
Unit 6: Multiplication
Unit 6: Classifying animals
Unit 7: Thank you, Mr T!

Unit 7: Division
Unit 7: Exploring materials
Unit 8: The blink-off
Unit 8: Solving word problems 2: Multiplication and division
Unit 1: Magnets and their characteristics
Unit 9: Report Card Days
Unit 9: Mental Calculations
Unit 2: Making magnets
Unit 10: The Perfect Birthday Present
Unit 10: Money
Unit 3: Magnets, magnets, everywhere
Unit 11: Life on the River
Unit 11: Length, Mass and Volume
Unit 4: Plants and their parts
Unit 12: Boy under my bed!
Unit 12: Solving word problems: Length, Mass and Volume
Unit 13: Give me that Wallet
Unit 13: Bar graphs

Unit 14: Fractions

Unit 15: Time

Unit 16: Angles

Unit 17: Perpendicular and Parallel Lines

Unit 18: Area and Perimeter

From the Maths Thinking Skills and Heuristics book:
Analysing parts and whole, Comparing, Identifying Patterns and Relationships, Work Backwards, Draw a diagram/Model, Look for a pattern, Make a list/table.

The files and workbooks for the various subjects will be returned to the students by end of Week 5 for revision (except for the Composition file and Listening Comprehension book which will be returned by end of this week). Hope you have a meaningful time revising and good luck for the upcoming SA2 exams.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Revision for Oral Exam

Hi everyone,

The students brought home their listening comprehension books to revise for the oral exam that will be conducted this Friday. I have explained to the class today about the way the exam will be conducted. Please make use of the reading passages and pictures provided in the book to prepare yourselves for the oral exam. Please refer to the oral checklist which I had given you when we were revising for oral during SA1. You can also refer to my earlier blog post about how you can do well for the oral exams, which was put up before SA1. I hope that you found the oral revision that I did with you in pairs in class last week useful as well.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Practice time!

Hi all,

Hope you are enjoying the start of the one week September holiday.

Remember to complete your homework:

English - Revisionary worksheet

Maths - Continual Assessment 2 paper from Maths Test book

Science - Crossword puzzle worksheet

Enjoy the holidays!

Lower Pri Sports Day

Hi everyone,

Who knew we had so much sporting talent amongst ourselves? 3A has done very well in the Lower Primary Sports Day today! 3 out of the 4 groups who took part won the GOLD medal! We are very proud of them. For the group that did not manage to win, it's alright. Please do not be sad about it. You may not have won the competition, but by giving your best, you are already winner.
Here are the pictures of the Lower Primary Sports Day:

We also celebrated Teacher's Day. Thank you everyone for your wonderful cards and presents. I love being "showered with love" by all of you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Let's go sporty!

Hi all,

Remember the video that was taken by Okto and Great Eastern about a workout that we did together?

Here is the link for it. Get everyone you can possibly think of to vote for it!

The voting is done by choosing "Which video is your favourite?" in the poll on the right-hand side.

Homework on 15 Aug

Dear everyone,

Remember to complete your homework for this long weekend.
- Maths Workbook 3B Part 1. Pages 95-111. Complete all corrections. Ask your parents to sign on page 77 for the unit on Fractions.
- English Revision Paper for Units 5 and 6.
- Integrity composition (for those who have not handed it in yet)

Coming up next week, we will be having
- Listening Comprehension 6 test on Tuesday, 21 Aug. (Remember to bring your Listening Comprehension Book back on Tuesday, for those who brought it home.)
- Maths Test 6 (Fractions and Graphs) on Thursday, 23 Aug
- GEP screening test for English and Maths

To all the Muslim students, I would like to wish you "Selamat Hari Raya"!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

EL Topical Test 9

Hi all,

Today we brainstormed for our compositions using story arcs. I also gave you a news article to help you pick out some interesting words which you can use in your compositions. Understanding that you need time to revise for your topical test tomorrow, I have given you a longer deadline to hand in the composition. You are to hand in the composition on Tues, 21 Aug.

Don't forget to revise for the English Topical Test 9, which will be tomorrow, 15 Aug based on The Perfect Birthday Present. I have returned the learning sheets to you since yesterday for you to revise.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Homework for 3 Aug

Hi all,

Remember to complete your homework in the Maths Workbook, pages 85-88.

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Comparatives and superlatives

Hi everyone,

Recently, we learnt about comparatives and superlatives in class. Here is a website to help you further in forming adjectives with comparatives and superlatives.

Also, remember to revise for Maths Test 5 which will be conducted on Friday, 3 Aug. The test is on Money and Length, Mass and Volume.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Homework for 18 July

Dear everyone,

Remember to complete Maths workbook 3B Part 1 until page 46. For those of you whose parents have still not signed the chapter on Money, please ask your parents for their signature.

As for the Science practical, don't worry if your pair was unable to finish all the stations today. We will re-schedule a short session on Friday for you to finish up. Hope you had fun!

Racial Harmony Day

Hi everybody,

Yesterday, we celebrated Racial Harmony Day in our school. Here's a class photo of us decked out in our own clothes and the picture below is of the lovely girls who took the effort to dress in ethnic costumes. Well done girls!

Monday, July 16, 2012


Hi all,

For the text, Report Card Days, we have discussed about the suffixes '-ness' and '-less'.

Did you know there are many more suffixes out there? Click on this link to learn about other suffixes. You can click on each suffix to see more examples of it.

Homework on 16 July

Hi all,

Remember to complete your homework on pages 39-42 of your Maths workbook. Ask your parents to sign on page 7 for the chapter on Money.

Come dressed in your ethnic clothes to celebrate Racial Harmony Day tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Welcome to Lit Wen!

Hi everyone,

Class 3A would like to extend a very warm welcome to Wong Lit Wen, a student from the Hong Kong Singapore International School who is here on a 2 weeks attachment. Below are some pictures of Lit Wen doing group work in class yesterday. He seems to be adjusting well and we certainly hope that he will find his stay here a memorable and enjoyable one.

Hope all of you also enjoyed the debut performance by the Guitar Ensemble in school today. Below is a picture of the Guitar Ensemble.

Just a reminder: Please wear the normal school uniform tomorrow as we will be having photo-taking in school. DO NOT come dressed in PE attire. If you need your PE attire for your CCA after school, pack it into your bag and change into it later.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Homework for 6 July

Hi everyone,

Remember to take some time to complete your homework:

- Composition on "Competition".
- Maths workbook ( For those who have not done so, complete the chapter on Money)
- Maths worksheets (for those who have not handed in yet)

Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Homework on 4 July

Hi everyone,

Just a reminder. Remember to finish your homework in the Maths workbook 3B Part 2 - Practices 7 and 8 under the topic of Money.

Hand in your books tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome back to Term 3

Hi everyone,

I hope you had an enjoyable and meaningful holiday. Since everyone's holiday experience is different, it would be nice for us to share and hear what each of us did during our holidays. Perhaps you could reply with a comment to this post to describe how you spent your holidays.

For Term 3, these are the topics that we will be doing in school.

The Blink-off
Magnets and their characteristics
Report Card Days
Length, Mass and Volume
Making Magnets
The Perfect Birthday Present
Solving Word Problems: Length, Mass and Volume
Magnets, magnets everywhere

Thursday, May 31, 2012

English time: Adjectives

Hi everyone,

Let's learn more about adjectives.

To learn what are adjectives, click here:

Look at this website for a super long list of adjectives:

Here's a game for you to practise what you have learnt:

Let's try division now!

Dear 3A students,

Here's one more link for multiplication:

Let's go on to trying out division games:

Fun 4 the Brain
Lizard Point
Do email me whenever you can to let me know how your holidays are coming along. I would love to hear from you. In the meantime, have fun!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012